Friday, April 15, 2011

Wunsche Laptops

Well, I said I would explain how I was updating my blog from school. You see Wunsche is no ordinary school. It is a Career Academy. And at this "Career Academy" the district provides us with Laptops. The laptops aren't all that great but hey, I'm not complaining. But yes, they distribute these laptops at the beginning of the year. Last year at Wunsche everyone would use them to play Halo, and it was awesome! But they actually got smart this year and put masses of the students on different networks so we could not connect to each other. And with that Halo Multi player died at our school. Well at least on the laptops anyways. Last year my CTE class built about 12 or 15 gaming computers and we have it in our classroom and if we're lucky we're able to play Halo with each other. It's pretty awesome. But ever since I introduced Minecraft to the school, that is the main thing that we play now. I have a server actually that I host at home and at school. There are only about 6 people on it though. Not many, but that's all I want. I don't want a crap ton of people because then everyone is going to be messing up our world and I won't take kind to that and neither will my clan. Well I think that's all for now or at least on this subject. End of Entry.

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